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Puzzles & Problems (2)

1. Colouring Regions (2)


The diagram shows a regular pentagon with its five diagonals drawn.

The diagonals split the pentagon into eleven regions.


Some of the regions can be shaded to make different patterns.


I can shade any number of regions (from 0 to 11 regions) to make the patterns.


Three different patterns are shown below.

Pentagon 1.png
Pentagons puzzle.png

How many  different patterns can be made in total?

2. Tangent Sums


Can you find three angles A, B & C such that:


tan(A) + tan(B) + tan(C)  =  tan(A) tan(B) tan(C)

How many solutions exist and what can you say about them?

3. Powerful Numbers


The number 407 is an unusual number because:

Sum of Powers.png

Can you find any other numbers that are equal to the sum of the cubes of their digits?

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