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Mathematical marvel


‘Leonhard Euler was one of the greatest mathematicians who ever lived. Learn about his life and work and the impact that he still has on mathematics today.


the secret life of pi


‘Find out some fascinating facts and history behind one of the most famous numbers in all of mathematics.


inside the digits of pi


Are there mysterious messages hidden deep within the digits of Pi? Can you really find your name within it's digits?

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the greek alphabet


Learn a new (very old) alphabet!


puzzling bridges


Find out how the bridges of an 18th Century European city paved the way for a completely new branch of mathematics.


a taste of higher mathematics


Graph Theory is a lively area of modern mathematical research within which you can find countless interesting results and challenging puzzles.

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mystic roses


Beautiful mathematical patterns made from Complete Graphs


quirky pi


Some interesting, mysterious - and sometimes strange - facts about one of our favourite numbers.


taking maths further


A look at the wide range of qualifications available in mathematics. Where will they take you and how do you progress through them?


the travelling salesman problem


A simple problem that is not so easy to solve.


that's the idea!


A strange tale of two young mathematicians.


euler's identity


Considered by many people to be the most beautiful equation in all of mathematics.

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